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The mission of World University and School (http://worlduniversityandschool.org - like Wikipedia with best STEM-centric CC-4 OpenCourseWare) is free-to-students' and learners' education, including Bachelor, Ph.D., Law, MD and IB high school degrees in all ~200 countries and in their official and main languages, - and to facilitate all levels of teaching and learning through open, editable wikis in 7,117139 known living languages. WUaS plans to accredit at the university and high school levels to offer online degrees and diplomas. WUaS’s wiki will involve open and editable teaching and learning but also non-editable courses prepared under a Creative Commons’ license. WUaS will facilitate the use of free CC courses as credits toward degrees. Due to the rapid spread of broadband worldwide, WUaS plans to make this accessible to underserved parts of the world and to poor people everywhere. WUaS will explore the possibility of using universal translators to extend the project automatically to any language with time. WUaS also seeks to create major online wiki universities, accrediting on CC-4 best STEAM OCW (in 4 languages) and CC Yale OYC, in each of all ~200 countries' official and main languages.
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