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World University: Difference between revisions

Assistive Technologies
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(Assistive Technologies)
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; 31 August 2017 - How best to ''anticipate assistive technologies''' resources re the WUaS Assistive Technologies' wiki subject page - http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Assistive_Technologies - if possible, which will then emerge in our new wiki - https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org - planned for Wikipedia / Wikidata's 295 languages? And at this key moment of WUaS moving from our old WIKIA wiki to this new Miraheze Mediawiki (with Wikidata as a "backend"), it would be really great to build in all the assistive technologies we can think of, and that are great fits, under the sun. What Assistive Technologies' are already built in, partly thanks to the Wikipedia community here?
; 28 August 2017 - Bringing Miraheze Mediawiki with Wikidata together; Using the upcoming World University and School SUBJECT TEMPLATE based on - http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/SUBJECT_TEMPLATE - newly in WUaS Miraheze MediaWiki with Wikdiata, WUaS seeks first to add the MIT faculty, which Lydia Pintscher, Wikidata Product Manager (https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/User:Lydia_Pintscher_(WMDE)), mentions here at the 17.45 minute marker - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P2e9zRWCKuw (as a kind of first test case) - from her recent Wikimania Internet talk.
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