Aging Reversal Genetics: Difference between revisions

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| non-degree
| Dr. Dudley W. Lamming, Dr. Eric L. Bell
| Browser
| Start anytime
| English
| Undergraduate
| -
| Genetics - "This course discusses the principles of genetics with application to the study of biological function at the level of molecules, cells, and multicellular organisms, including humans."
| non-degree
| Prof. Chris Kaiser, Prof. Gerald Fink, Prof. Leona Samson, Dr. Michelle Mischke
| Browser
| Start anytime
| English
| Undergraduate
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===Select References===
Dutchen, Stephanie. 2023. [ Loss of Epigenetic Information Can Drive Aging, Restoration Can Reverse It: Study in mice implicates changes to way DNA is organized, regulated rather than changes to genetic code itself]. January 12. Cambridge, MA: .
Yang, Jae-Hyun, Christopher A. Petty, Thomas Dixon-McDougall, Maria Vina Lopez, Alexander Tyshkovskiy, Sun Maybury-Lewis, Xiao Tian, Nabilah Ibrahim, Zhili Chen, Patrick T. Griffin, Matthew Arnold, Jien Li, Oswaldo A. Martinez, Alexander Behn, Ryan Rogers-Hammond, Suzanne Angeli, Vadim N. Gladyshev, and David A. Sinclair . 2023. [,specific%20Yamanaka%20genes%20into%20cells NEW STUDY: Discovery of Chemical Means to Reverse Aging and Restore Cellular Function: On July 12, 2023, a new priority research paper was published in Aging, titled, “Chemically induced reprogramming to reverse cellular aging.”]. BUFFALO, NY:
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===Select Syllabi===
The Biology of Aging: Age-Related Diseases and Interventions » Syllabus [ The Biology of Aging: Age-Related Diseases and Interventions » Syllabus]. Cambridge, MA:
===Select Teachers with Email Addresses/Contact Information===
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===Select Video and Audio===
Church, George, with Rhonda Patrick (interviewer). 2022. [ George Church, PhD: Rewriting Genomes to Eradicate Disease and Aging]. Cambridge, MA: FoundMyFitness.
Church, George, with Scott Pelley (interviewer). 2019. [ How soon could humans reverse the aging process with genetic engineering?]. December 6. New York, NY: 60 Minutes.