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[[Image:AphiloWorldUniversitySchool5Sep07.jpg|200px|thumb|left|World University and School {in a virtual world}]]
[[File:WorldUnivAndSchLogo2017-08-18Wave.png|thumb|World University and School Logo Wave]]
<div style="text-align:center;"><br /><big>'''Welcome to {{SITENAME}} and School'''</big>
which [[Help:Editing|anyone can add to or edit]].
<div style="text-align:center;"><br /><big>'''Welcome to {{SITENAME}}'''</big>
Home: [ World University and School]
<br />The Global, Virtual/Digital, Open, Free, {potentially Degree- and Credit-Granting},
which [[Help:Editing|anyone can add to or edit]].
Wiki World University and School is like CC Wikipedia (in its ~330 languages) with CC-4 MIT OpenCourseWare (in its ~5 languages) and CC-3 Yale OYC (see: and is planned in all 7,164 living languages+ as wiki schools for open teaching and learning. WUaS is thus a multilingual University & School where anyone can teach or take a class or course, and or create.
Multilingual University & School
(MIT OCW Creative Commons' licensing and endorsement clarifications:
where anyone can teach or take a class or course.
a) MIT is not affiliated with, and does not endorse, World University and School b) MIT does not offer credit to WUaS students, and c) All MIT OpenCourseWare materials are available for free through
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'''Mission:''' World University & School's mission ( - like Wikipedia with MIT Open Course Ware), in reaching out to the entire world, is to provide a free, wiki-based education platform and, through facilitating the development of broadband worldwide, to make our service accessible to under served parts of the world. The WUaS mission is thus to facilitate all levels of teaching and learning opportunities (and future degrees) through an open, editable wiki in all languages, nation-states and subjects with great universities, and for One Laptop per Child countries and everyone.
The mission of World University and School ( - like Wikipedia with best CC-4 OpenCourseWare) is free-to-students' and learners' education, including Bachelor, Ph.D., Law, MD and IB/sim. high school, AA, and Master's degrees in each of all ~200 countries and in their official and main languages, - and to facilitate all levels of teaching and learning through open, editable wikis in 7,164 known living languages. WUaS plans to accredit at the university and high school levels to offer online degrees and diplomas. WUaS’s wiki will involve open and editable teaching and learning but also non-editable courses prepared under a Creative Commons’ license. WUaS will facilitate the use of free CC courses as credits toward degrees. Due to the rapid spread of broadband worldwide, WUaS plans to make this accessible to underserved parts of the world and poor people everywhere. WUaS will explore the possibility of using universal translators to extend the project automatically to any language with time. WUaS also seeks to create major online wiki universities, accrediting on CC-4 best STEAM OCW (in 4 languages) and CC Yale OYC, in each of all ~200 countries' official and main languages.
Further, see:
! #ToolifyAI created:
"#RevolutionizingEducation with #MachineLearningandAI" : #WUaSunivs (updated 3/2/24) ~#ToolifyAIWUaS
but it has not yet created #RealisticVirtualEarth mentioned for the first time by someone other than
~ @WorldUnivAndSch ~
'''WORLD UNIVERSITY & SCHOOL IN YOUR LANGUAGE?''' Would you like to add & develop World University & School in your language? Let WUaS know, & we'll do it together. This is a great way to start an open, free school/university in your own language. World University and School is looking to develop a school/university in as many as around 7000 languages. Wikipedia has around 281 languages, for comparison.
Languages at WUaS -
'''What is a WIKI? Get organized digitally, together - Edit - Write - Save >'''
And newly -
[[Nation States]] at World University and School, EACH becoming AN ONLINE MAJOR WIKI UNIVERSITY in each country's official LANGUAGE (accrediting initially on CC MIT OpenCourseWare in its five languages).
Open, free, online course in video conference on "Society, Information Technology and the Global University" will meet again in the future ~ ~ again in English! This course asks: What is information technology, broadly conceived? How did it develop? -
Apply to matriculate rolling admission for free CC OCW BA/BS degrees with CC and CC -
Matriculate for free CC-4 #GoogleWUaS 4-yr BA/BS, & PhD degrees
@WorldUnivAndSch w @ #WorldUniversityAndSchool@ Planning major universities in ~200 countries' official (& #WUaSwikiSchools in ALL 7,164) Langs
Languages at WUaS Twitter feed, in all ~200 countries - ~
Welcome to potential undergraduate students at World University and School!
For the matriculating students, WUaS seeks to develop a cohort approach to online, best STEM OCW-centric education (e.g. from MIT OCW audio and video - - or Yale OYC - - courses in G+ Hangouts to begin), and a first semester's course of study in English, taking about 4 courses (vis-a-vis WUaS’s planned 40 best CC OCW STEM-centric courses over 4 years for a free undergraduate degree) might look like this:
~ Humanities 101 (required for 1st year students) - see: (paralleling Reed College's Hum 110, but online in multiple languages).
~ First year Biology course with a programming component (required) ?
~ Introduction to Computer Science and Programming ?
~ Information Technology and the Network Society
~ A best STEM-centric OCW Introductory Mathematics’ course
~ Media Arts’ best STEM-centric OCW course for undergraduates?
… all in Video conferencing, a realistic virtual earth for classrooms, or similar, for interactivity.
'''WORLD UNIVERSITY & SCHOOL IN YOUR LANGUAGE?''' Would you like to add & develop World University & School in your language? Let WUaS know, & we'll do it together. This is a great way to start an open, free school/university in your own language. World University and School is looking to develop a school/university in as many as around 7000 languages. Wikipedia has around 358 languages, for comparison.
'''What is a WIKI? Get organized digitally, together - Edit - Write - Save > ''''''<nowiki/>'''
'''Frequently Asked Questions at World University & School'''
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And please join World University and School's Google + :
See, too, World University & School's Foundation Page with Master and Business Plans:
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For further ideas about WUaS, please visit : .
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<div style="text-align:left;">
We're presently in the process of both envisioning and realizing a global, degree-granting (Bachelors, Ph.D., Law, and M.D.), free-to-students, open, online university and school, with great universities' (e.g. MITYale, YaleMIT, Stanford, Ivy League Schools, U.C. Berkeley, Oxford, T.U.M., Sorbonne, L.M.U., Juilliard Music School, Cambridge, Collège de France, Caltech, B.T.U., University of Chicago, etc., open course ware, especially) as key players, using a Wikipedia with MITbest STEM-centric OCW model, and for everyone, and especially the developing world - which [[Help:Editing|anyone can edit]], primarily by teaching, adding, requesting or taking courses.
World University and School also makes program and course content (MITbest STEM-centric OCW-focused) available to universities, through a developing membership program, open to universities, countries, 'languages,' and other interested parties.
In many ways, World University & School is already open here. Add a course, or teach to your web camera, now. And you can take classes, for example, through MIT'sbest OpenSTEM-centric Course Ware by clicking on the appropriate links, and learn, for example, what is the equivalent of a Master's Degree in Physics or in "Society, Technology and Science," through MIT, right nowOpenCourseWare. MIT's Open Course WareOCW's web site contains over ~2,050600 courses, with many video lectures posted, and Yale OYC contains around 42. Or you can post a very fun or fascinating class about Mozart, massage, painting, calculus, sculpture or your area of interest or specialization. Also, create a page with what you know, what courses you'd like to teach or take, and what courses you've taken; by creating your own, on this page (httphttps://worlduniversitywiki.wikiaworlduniversityandschool.comorg/wiki/You_at_World_University), to begin adding a free course, by language, country, degree, or to take a course.
WUaS is planning for credit- and degree-granting, and in multiple countries. As these two paths develop at World University, - degree and a meta-directory for open courses and teaching & learning resources, - MITbest OpenSTEM-centric Course WareOpenCourseWare is our model for degree-granting, academic, course work.
For World University & School's free, degree-focus approach, we seek to accredit for Bachelor, Ph.D., Law and M.D. degrees, using MITbest Open CourseSTEM-centric WareOpenCourseWare as a basis, and eventually in 50-100all ~200 countries for degrees, if useful, and with interactivity in virtual worlds and via multiple, video-conferencing windows, for a conference-method approach. WUaS seeks its first, sizable matriculating, Bachelor's class insoon, 2014with accreditation, itswith first Ph.D. class in 2015, its first class in law in 2016, and its first medical class, into 2017follow, anticipating graduating 100 students in each, to begin. Its first, matriculating, foreign-country, degree class for a Bachelor's degree-equivalent, accredited in that country, will begin around 2015. WUaS seeks overachievinghigh achieving students (such as might go to Harvard and Stanford, Oxbridge or similar), and also plans to offer these overachievershigh achievers, and all interested learners, a developing set of learning possibilities, paralleling the internet, as it develops into the future.
While all countries and territories (around 200, perhaps starting with the countries, and places, in, and all languages, (~7,164 +, including 'dead' languages, but starting with those in languages in Google Translate and in Wikipedia) will be part of this, WUaS would like to focus on poorest countries and regions too - Rwanda, Ethiopia, Colombia, Haiti, Mexico, Peru, USA (Birmingham, Alabama), Uruguay, Afghanistan, Mongolia, Cambodia, & Papua New Guinea - as well as your interests. WUaS is planning to make its content available on ChromeBook Plus - - and possibly video-capable, programmable, handheld devices (video), as these develop. And people in these countries, of course, can add their own courses or instruction to this WUaS wiki, and by teaching to their web cameras, with knowledge they would like to share. A video-capable, internet, mobile-phone device would allow people who are illiterate to take and post courses to this WUaS wiki.
Beginning in 2014, WUaS would like to place web cameras in great universities' professors' classrooms, for example, with another instructor in a virtual world.
While all countries and territories (around 200, perhaps starting with the countries, and places, in, and all languages, (possibly 8,000 +, including 'dead' languages, but starting with those in languages in Google Translate and in Wikipedia) will be part of this, we'd like to focus at first on the communities in countries that One Laptop Per Child (OLPC), emerging from MIT, is also engaging - Rwanda, Ethiopia, Colombia, Haiti, Mexico, Peru, USA (Birmingham, Alabama), Uruguay, Afghanistan, Mongolia, Cambodia, & Papua New Guinea - as well as your interests. WUaS is planning to make its content available on One Laptop Per Child computers, and video-capable, programmable, handheld devices (video), as these develop. And people in these countries, of course, can add their own courses or instruction to this WUaS wiki, and by teaching to their web cameras, with knowledge they would like to share. A video-capable, internet, mobile-phone device would allow people who are illiterate to take and post courses to this WUaS wiki.
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World University and School would like to develop a very easy-to-use, probablypossibly Google Street View with time slider, or Open Simulator-based, virtual world (and multiple others) - earth-topographically realistic (building on the photo realism of holodecks) - where individuals and end users could host their own islands, regions, etc. on their own computers (perhaps this would ship with machines), and which would easily network with a variety of virtual world islands, or spaces, beginning with other Open Simulator islands, as well as Second Life islands - expressly for open, free, teaching and learning classrooms, and idea exchange (voice and text chat), - at both the university and school levels.
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People ultimatelyin part 'train' their own bodymindsbody minds in whatever learning context, and World University and School may facilitate this in new ways. World University furthers a familiar approach to knowledge generation, where learning also occurs through various forms of dialogue and conversation, such as that which occurs in the conference-method approach to learning (like Reed College's), in seminars and through libraries, books and journals. And World University will engage the far-reaching potentials of the Information Technology revolution to make learning and teaching - knowledge exchange, very widely construed - global and innovative in ongoing ways.
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; Collections of Courses and Instruction
*WUaS: httphttps://worlduniversitywiki.wikiaworlduniversityandschool.comorg/wiki/World_University
*Courses: httphttps://worlduniversitywiki.wikiaworlduniversityandschool.comorg/wiki/Courses
*Subjects: httphttps://worlduniversitywiki.wikiaworlduniversityandschool.comorg/wiki/Subjects
*[[Languages]]: httphttps://worlduniversitywiki.wikiaworlduniversityandschool.comorg/wiki/Languages
*Library Resources: httphttps://worlduniversitywiki.wikiaworlduniversityandschool.comorg/wiki/Library_Resources
*[[Nation States]]: httphttps://worlduniversitywiki.wikiaworlduniversityandschool.comorg/wiki/Nation_States (planned in all ~200 countries' official / main languages)
*You at World University: httphttps://worlduniversitywiki.wikiaworlduniversityandschool.comorg/wiki/You_at_World_University
*Educational Software: httphttps://worlduniversitywiki.wikiaworlduniversityandschool.comorg/wiki/Educational_Software
*Museums: httphttps://worlduniversitywiki.wikiaworlduniversityandschool.comorg/wiki/Museums
*Music School:
*Hardware Resource Possibilities:
*Hardware Resource Possibilities:
*World University Foundation:
*World University Foundation:
*SUBJECT TEMPLATE: httphttps://worlduniversitywiki.wikiaworlduniversityandschool.comorg/wiki/SUBJECT_TEMPLATE
* Add or take a class in this free & open Wiki.
* Added MIT Open Course Ware - - to World University's 'Courses'
* Added Open Culture's listings of free and open university and college classes - - to World University's 'Courses'
* World University and School Music page ~ httphttps://worlduniversitywiki.wikiaworlduniversityandschool.comorg/wiki/Music
* Add collections of courses you find HERE
* ...
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; Individual Courses
* MITOCW Video Lectures to Introduction to Computer Science and Programming
* Recent additions (Yale, Berkeley +): Ancient Greek History, Astrophysics, Anthropology, Biomedical_Engineering, Economics, English Literature, MUSIC SCHOOL beginnings, Political Science, Psychology
* Added Bagpiping Tutorial - httphttps://worlduniversitywiki.wikiaworlduniversityandschool.comorg/wiki/Music
* Added Harvard Law Professor Emeritus Charles Nesson's 'Evidence' Class to 'Courses'
* Added Stanford Professor Susskind's Quantum Physic's Class to 'Courses'
* Add individuals courses you find HERE
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{{HeadingA|What's new on {{SITENAME}}}}
; Thursday, 13 June 2024
! #ToolifyAI created:
"#RevolutionizingEducation with #MachineLearningandAI" : #WUaSunivs (updated 3/2/24) ~#ToolifyAIWUaS
but it has not yet created #RealisticVirtualEarth mentioned for the first time by someone other than
~ @WorldUnivAndSch ~
Languages at WUaS -
; 8 January 2018 - The next open electronically-mediated hour-long monthly business meeting for World University and School is this upcoming Saturday, January 13, 2018, at 9 am PT - - please email if you'd like to participate (in group video conferencing, or conference call).
; 9 December 2017 - "Minutes for Dec 9 2017 World University & School Monthly Business Meeting" -
; 18 November 2017 - Minutes for WUaS's Monthly Business Meeting on Saturday, Nov 18, 2017
; 12 October 2017 - World Univ & Sch would like to add and base WUaS's Nation States' list on the 207 countries in the 2016 Olympics, to begin - - each to become a major online university in each countries' official and main languages.
; 1 September 2017 - Curious how now to build in brain wave headset - - research - - as assistive technologies for all 295 Wikipedia languages and re translation and an universal translator - - and for much related brain science at cellular and atomic levels - - and languages' - - research, where WUaS is eventually planning to be in all 7,099 living languages also as wiki schools for open teaching and learning.
; 31 August 2017 - How best to ''anticipate assistive technologies''' resources re the WUaS Assistive Technologies' wiki subject page - - if possible, which will then emerge in our new wiki - - planned for Wikipedia / Wikidata's 295 languages? And at this key moment of WUaS moving from our old WIKIA wiki to this new Miraheze Mediawiki (with Wikidata as a "backend"), it would be really great to build in all the assistive technologies we can think of, and that are great fits, under the sun. What Assistive Technologies' are already built in, partly thanks to the Wikipedia community here?
; 28 August 2017 - Bringing Miraheze Mediawiki with Wikidata together; Using the upcoming World University and School SUBJECT TEMPLATE based on - - newly in WUaS Miraheze MediaWiki with Wikdiata, WUaS seeks first to add the MIT faculty, which Lydia Pintscher, Wikidata Product Manager (, mentions here at the 17.45 minute marker - (as a kind of first test case) - from her recent Wikimania Internet talk.
; 6 August 2017 - New Miraheze WUaS MediaWiki wiki !
; 7 February 2015 - "WUaS's Business Plan's 6 Foci - Updated, In all 7,870 languages and 242 countries, MIT OCW, Yale OYC ...1) Fundraising for 501 (c) 3 WUaS, 2) Bookstore/Computer Store, 3) Governments' collaboration for CC Academic Degrees, 4) Academic Press, 5) Non CC Music lessons and tutoring, 6) universal broadband internet connectivity" - - and - .
; 14 January 2015 - Licensing clarification for WUAS from MIT; removing the name of MIT from WUaS, building on MIT OCW's previous request about 2 years ago for WUaS to write "Not endorsed by MIT" on all WUaS's promotional materials. See - and .
; 8 December 2014 - "WUaS 501 (c) (3) tax exempt status and the Gold level at Guidestar, 5 items - Goals, Strategies, Capabilities, Indicators, Progress, The listing (affiliated with the IRS - Internal Revenue Service) for World University and School has been public since July 2014" - see: and .
; 20 October 2014 - New "Natural Language Processing" wiki subject page/school with main links in addition to "Voice & Computing" wiki subject page/school at best STEM-centric OpenCourseWare wiki World University and School, "Natural Language Processing" wiki subject main links at WUaS include - Artificial Intelligence, Brain and Cognitive Sciences ...
; 12 September 2014 - World University and School's hour-long open monthly business meeting in the manner of Ffriends meets
electronically tomorrow (second Saturdays) on September 13th at 9 am (Pacific Time). The agenda is here: Email if you'd like the phone and access code.
; 10 August 2014 - Guidestar's listing (affiliated with the IRS) for tax-exempt World University and School is now public - … - and - … .
; 20 July 2014 - World University and School - like Wikipedia with greatest universities' OpenCourseWare (not endorsed by MIT OCW) - incorporated as a nonprofit effective April 2010, and has been a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt, educational organization charity since 2010; WUaS received reinstatement of its 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status, as of May 15, 2014, effective 2010.
; 19 June 2014 World University and School has 'LIFT OFF' - with a new university domain name - - probably until WUaS becomes fully accredited in around 2018, and probably at four year postsecondary undergraduate level, when WUaS will be able to get a .EDU address. Planning to develop MediaWiki and qLabel here planning for all 7,164 languages and 206 countries (per Olympics), - and phase out the current WUaS in Wikia. See:
; 15 June 2014 - Added this - "New study suggests patent trolls really are killing startups" ... ... - to the "Patenting" wiki subject page at WUaS - - and the "Entrepreneurship" one - - too.
; 5 May 2014 - INTERLINGUAL WUaS Portal Update: Access World University and School's Main Pages from here - Free, C.C., MIT OCW-centric, university degrees planned in large languages!
; 6 April 2014 - Update: Access World University and School's Main Pages from here ~ ! Free, C.C., MIT OCW-centric, university degrees planned!
; 20 February 2014 - How to edit World University and School -
; 4 January 2014 - Online, open, WUaS monthly business meeting cancelled due to limited internet access from India -
; 7 December 2013 - In eventually planning to move to Wikidata / MediaWiki, World University and School plans to have a 3 x 3 central table on this front page to facilitate entry to WUaS's main pages: Courses, Subjects, Languages (All), Library Resources, Nation States (All), You at World University, Educational Software, Museums, Research, Hardware Resource Possibilities
; 5 November 2013 - November 9, 2013 Annual Business Meeting Agenda for World University and School - Online, open, WUaS, monthly business meetings meet in a G+ Hangout on the 2nd Saturdays of the month from 9am-10am PDT
; 1 November 2013 - WUaS is seeking its first high school applicants this autumn 2013 to matriculate online next autumn 2014.
If you are a high school student actively interested in applying to MIT OCW-centric, free (Creative Commons' licensed) World University and School in English, or know of one, this autumn 2013 - with complete applications due by January 1, 2014, at 12 pm Pacific Time - please email WUaS now at with this application information - (See, too - For coursework planning purposes, see - Here's the link to the developing Admissions at WUaS page - International students are welcome.
; 7 October 2013 - October 12, 2013 Annual Business Meeting Agenda for World University and School - Online, open, WUaS, monthly business meetings meet in a G+ Hangout on the 2nd Saturdays of the month from 9am-10am PDT
; 10 September 2013 -
-World University and School - like Wikipedia with MIT OpenCourseWare (not endorsed by MIT OCW) - incorporated as a nonprofit effective April 2010 and has been a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt, educational organization charity through November 12, 2012, and is re-instating its 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status, as of September 2013, effective 2010, per the IRS's instructions.
-WUaS is planning to be in all 7,105+ languages and offer accredited, bachelor, Ph.D., law and M.D. university degrees in many of 242+ countries and their main languages, as well as I.B. diplomas in some languages, beginning with the United Nations' six languages.
- -
; 14 August 2013 - World University and School incorporated as a nonprofit effective April 2010 and has been a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt charity through November 12, 2012, and is re-applying for 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status, as of August 2013.
; 14 July 2013 - World University and School's Youtube channel is growing -
; 1 July 2013 - For prospective students (11th graders?) to World University and School - New Video Introduction, Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) at WUaS -
; 1 June 2013 -
;<nowiki> 1 May 2013 - <a href="" rel="publisher">Find us on Google+</a></nowiki>
; 1 March 2013 - WUAS's Business Plan and Conversation, World University and School's online bookstore / computer store ... ...
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; 1 November 2012 - Here's the first flyer seeking degree-oriented, WUaS students: 'Quaker-informed World University & School seeks friendly, undergraduate students for free, online, MIT OCW-centric, bachelor’s degrees to apply in the autumn of 2013, for matriculation in autumn 2014' - - and accessible here - (and - - too. WUaS holds open, electronically-mediated, hour-long, monthly business meeting, in the manner of Quakers - email if you'd like to participate.
; 1 October 2012 - World University Foundation page, - httphttps://worlduniversitywiki.wikiaworlduniversityandschool.comorg/wiki/World_University_Foundation - New, GIVING to WUaS pages - 'Association for WUaS,' 'Planned Giving Donors' Club at WUaS,' 'Trillion Dollar Capital Campaign at WUaS,' 'Giving Circles at WUaS,' 'Acknowledgement of Giving to WUaS,' 'Gold Giving Circle,' 'Silver Giving Circle,' 'Bronze Giving Circle,' all at WUaS - (see, too
; 15 September 2012 - Courses with video from MIT OCW and Yale will probably be what WUaS accredits on beginning in April 2013 for our first, matriculating, online, bachelor's degree class in 2014 ...
Line 245 ⟶ 405:
;4 April 2012 - New, Swahili, wiki, subject page at WUaS:
;3 April 2012 - Two, new, Nation States', wiki, subject pages at WUaS: Korea - httphttps://worlduniversitywiki.wikiaworlduniversityandschool.comorg/wiki/Korea,_Democratic_People%27s_Republic_of - and the Netherlands - httphttps://worlduniversitywiki.wikiaworlduniversityandschool.comorg/wiki/Netherlands ... Each will become an university in itself, paralleling the English WUaS, and with plans to accredit on MIT OCW. Each wiki page has some significant, open course ware collections, in those languages, to start. And eventually, these two pages will also be in the those languages.
;2 April 2012 - Here are the beginnings of World University & School's online Medical School - httphttps://worlduniversitywiki.wikiaworlduniversityandschool.comorg/wiki/World_University_Medical_School - and Hospital - httphttps://worlduniversitywiki.wikiaworlduniversityandschool.comorg/wiki/Hospital. (This is the URL of Imperial College London's Hospital in SL - WUaS is aiming for its first matriculating medical school class in around 2017 (with its first, matriculating Bachelor's degree class in 2014, accrediting on MIT OCW), but this Medical School, as wiki pages, will develop significantly before then.
;12 March 2012 - New: Ph.D. Degrees at World University and School - httphttps://worlduniversitywiki.wikiaworlduniversityandschool.comorg/wiki/Ph.D._Degrees_at_World_University_and_School
;11 March 2012 - New: The College at World University and School - httphttps://worlduniversitywiki.wikiaworlduniversityandschool.comorg/wiki/The_College_at_World_University_and_School
;10 March 2012 - PRESS RELEASE (first) for World University and School -
Line 259 ⟶ 419:
;1 March 2012 - The Next Step ~ 'Open Source Learning & World Univ & Sch' show (#73) - . See also: (February 23, 2012) and
;5 February 2012 - Building on the 8, free, online, video, Stanford, open, computer courses … - the < 2000 MIT OCW courses … - the 35(ish) Yale OYC … - all here at World Univ & Sch - httphttps://worlduniversitywiki.wikiaworlduniversityandschool.comorg/wiki/Courses (+), WUaS facilitates a new, university conversation, as wiki, where YOU, too, can teach, learn and create, all from home on your computer. Free (Bachelors, PhD, Law, MD) degrees are planned.
;1 February 2012 - The way the Scratch programming language - - (out of the MIT Media Lab) ... spread is first via workshops, then via educators, attention in the Media, Techie or Geekie parents, and now in schools / and after school centers, and then via friends ... good paths for WUaS ... httphttps://worlduniversitywiki.wikiaworlduniversityandschool.comorg/wiki/World_University ( httphttps://worlduniversitywiki.wikiaworlduniversityandschool.comorg/wiki/Programming ) ...
;1 January 2012 - Startup World University and School plans to be a significant, academic employer, beginning with multiple, student manager and intern (httphttps://worlduniversitywiki.wikiaworlduniversityandschool.comorg/wiki/WUaS_Intern_positions), as well as volunteer (httphttps://worlduniversitywiki.wikiaworlduniversityandschool.comorg/wiki/Volunteers), positions. WUaS also has wiki subject pages for open teaching and learning about job creation, -h ttphttps://worlduniversitywiki.wikiaworlduniversityandschool.comorg/wiki/Finding_/_creating_a_job_you_really_love - and job hunting, and Job Hunting. httphttps://worlduniversitywiki.wikiaworlduniversityandschool.comorg/wiki/WUaS_Job_hunting.
Here's a recent overview about World University & School - - with many, further reasons to love it.
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;18 August 2011 - 3, free, online Stanford courses this fall: Machine Learning (, Introduction to Databases (, Intro to Artificial Intelligence ( also at, here :)
;1 August 2011 - World University and School now (July 24, 0211) has a PayPal button for tax-exempt - 501 (c) (3) - donations at: http://scottmacleodworlduniversityandschool.comorg/worlduniversityandschool.htm. The 501 (c) (3) determination letter is dated June 3, 2011, and effective April 2010.
;1 July 2011 - World University & School (WUaS) incorporated in California (April 27, 2010), received 501 (c) (3) status (June 3, 2011), and established its tax-deductible PayPal account (which accepts credit cards, too) last week; 'Donate' button to come. Accreditation for free degrees (BA/BS, Law, M.D., Ph.D.) to come. WUaS is like Wikipedia with MIT Open Course Ware.
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{{HeadingB|What's new on {{SITENAME}}}}
''Please Donatedonate tothrough tax-exemptPayPal - 501 (c) (3) -to World University and School'' at
Line 443 ⟶ 601:
''Here's [ MIT's Open Course Ware] at World University and School. ''
Use your webcam to add something you'd like to teach, - or take a course at World University and School. It's like Wikipedia with MIT Open Course Ware.'' Free Bachelors, Ph.D., Law and MD degrees are planned, accrediting on MIT OCW in 50-100 countries. And World University and School plans also to be in all 3,000-8,000 languages as an open, free wiki school/university. ''
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World University and School incorporated as a nonprofit in April 2010 and is treated as a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt charity (Pub. 557, p. 19).
World University & School is a community of learners and teachers who value — and are themselves strengthened by — the rich diversity of its participants. In order to cultivate a flourishing teaching, learning and creating conversation in a diverse and complex world, WUaS welcomes all languages, students, families, faculty, board members, and staff with differences based on (but not limited to) race, color, ethnicity, religion, age, gender, sexual orientation, family structure, and economic background.
All content on this site is freely available under a [ Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0] license.
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===World University and School Licensing===
World University and School - like Wikipedia with Greatest Universities' OpenCourseWare - incorporated as a nonprofit effective April 2010 and is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt, educational organization charity.
World University and School incorporated as a nonprofit in April 2010 and is treated as a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt charity (Pub. 557, p. 19).
World University & School is a community of learners and teachers who value — and are themselves strengthened by — the rich diversity of its participants. In order to cultivate a flourishing teaching, learning and creating conversation in a diverse and complex world, WUaS welcomes all languages, students, families, faculty, board members, and staff with differences based on (but not limited to) race, color, ethnicity, religion, age, gender, sexual orientation, family structure, and economic background.
All content on this site is freely available under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 34.0 licenseInternational (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0) - .
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