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Philosophy: Difference between revisions

989 bytes added ,  12 years ago
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! Language
! Tags
| Ancient Philosophy
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| English
| Undergraduate
| Introduction to Philosophy of Language
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| English
| Undergraduate
| Linguistics and Philosophy
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| English
| undergraduate, graduate
| Logic 1
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| English
| undergraduate
| Modal Logic
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| English
| undergraduate
| Philosophy In Film and Other Media
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| English
| Undergraduate
| Philosophy of Love in the Western World
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| English
| Undergraduate
| Problems in Philosophy
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| English
| Undergraduate
| Problems of Philosophy
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| English
| undergraduate, philosophy
| Proseminar in Philosophy I
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| English
| Graduate
| Course's Name
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| English
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In what ways could and have thinkers brought together the dialogue / conversation approach of Plato's Middle Dialogues with the improvisational approach of the Grateful Dead, to create new kinds of philosophical conversation, as well as texts? Both Rorty and Nehamas, for example, seem to create new approaches to philosophy.
===Publish my article in a WUaS academic journal in this subject===
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===Select Books===
Lao Tzu. (Gia-Fu Feng, trans., and Jane English, photog). 1972. Tao Te Ching. Vintage.
de Waal, Frans. 2009. Primates and Philosophers: How Morality Evolved. (Edited by Stephen Macedo & Josiah Ober). Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.
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===Select Idea Competitions / Conversations===
===Select Interviews===
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===Select References===
Dreyfus, Hubert. 2004. [http://web.archive.org/web/20061205225745/http://ist-socrates.berkeley.edu/~hdreyfus/html/papers.html Recent Papers]. Berkeley, CA: socrates.berkeley.edu.
Goucha, Moufida. 2002. [http://www.unesco.org/new/en/social-and-human-sciences/themes/human-rights/philosophy/philosophy-day-at-unesco/ Philosophy Day at UNESCO]. unesco.org
Landsburg, Steve. 2010. [http://www.thebigquestions.com/2010/12/20/lord-russells-nightmare/ Lord Russell’s Nightmare]. December 20. Oberlin, OH: The Big Questions' Blog.
'''What is Wisdom'''
Durant, Will. 1957. [http://www.willdurant.com/wisdom.htm What is Wisdom?]. Will Durant Foundation.
Wisdom. 2007. [http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/wisdom/ Wisdom]. Stanford, CA: Stanford University.
Wisdom. 2007. [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wisdom Wisdom]. CA: Wikipedia.
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===Select Societies, Associations, Groups, etc.===
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===Select Textbooks===
===Select Timelines===
===Select Video and Audio===
Monty Python - The Philosophers' Song 2007. [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s1MgCV6uGuc Monty Python - The Philosophers' Song]. YouTube.com.
'''Moral Reasoning'''
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===Select Websites===
Bourget, David and David Chalmers. 2011. [http://philpapers.org PhilPapers: Online research in philosophy]. (PhilPapers' purpose is to facilitate the exchange and development of philosophical research through the Internet. Our service gathers and organizes philosophical research on the Internet, and provides tools for philosophers to access, organize, and discuss this research). PhilPapers.
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. 2010. [http://plato.stanford.edu Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy]. Palo Alto, CA: Stanford University.
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