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One Laptop per Child - XO Laptop - $100 Laptop - MIT: Difference between revisions

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Vota, Wayne. 2011. [http://www.olpcnews.com/people/volunteers/olpc_academy_the_newest_olpc_v.html OLPC Academy: The newest OLPC volunteer program for college students]. February 9. Cambridge, MA: OLPC News.
Vota, Wayne. 2011. [http://www.olpcnews.com/sales_talk/countries/olpc_jamaica_one_laptop_per_te.html OLPC Jamaica: One Laptop Per Teacher, Educator, and Child]. March 7. Cambridge, MA: OLPC News.
Vota, Wayne. 2011. [http://www.olpcnews.com/sales_talk/countries/olpmap_2_million_xo_laptop_olp.html olpcMAP: 2 million XO Laptop OLPC deployments, mapped!]. January 3. Cambridge, MA: OLPC News
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===Select Websites===
One Laptop per Child. 2011. [http://laptop.org/en/vision/ One Laptop per Child Vision]. Cambridge, MA: OLPCOne Laptop per Child.
One Laptop per Child - Sugar. 2011. [http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Sugar One Laptop per Child - Sugar]. Cambridge, MA: One Laptop per Child.
One Laptop per Child - Sugar Activities. 2011. [http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Activities One Laptop per Child - Sugar Activities]. Cambridge, MA: One Laptop per Child.
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