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Illich, Ivan 1973. Tools for Conviviality. (http://www.scytheconnection.com/adp/convivNote.html). New York, NY: Harper and Row.
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Boardman, Elizabeth, Janet Hale, Ed Hale, and Kathy Runyan, Bob Runyan, and Steve Leeds. 2011. [http://laquaker.blogspot.com/2011/04/latest-news-from-pay-your-taxes-under.html Latest news from the "Pay Your Taxes Under Protest" Campaign]. April 26. laquaker.blogspot.com.
Brown, Jerry. 2010. [http://www.jerrybrown.org/sites/default/files/Education%20Plan_0.pdf State of California's Education Platform]. Oakland, CA: jerrybrown.org
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Mankiw, Greg. 2010. [http://www.nytimes.com/2010/09/05/business/economy/05view.html A Course Load for the Game of Life]. September 4. New York, NY: The New York Times.
Manousos, Anthony. 2011. [http://laquaker.blogspot.com/2011/04/howard-brinton-as-theologian-and.html Howard Brinton as a Theologian and Apologist for “Real Quakerism”]. April 26. Llaquaker.blogspot.com
McKinsey Quarterly. 2010. [http://www.mckinseyquarterly.com/newsletters/chartfocus/2010_12.htm Why top students don’t want to teach]. December. mckinseyquarterly.com/newsletters/chartfocus
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Lewis, Harry. 2010. [http://harry-lewis.blogspot.com/2010/12/can-grades-be-controlled-in-fair-way.html Can Grades Be Controlled in a "Fair" Way?]. (Former Dean of Harvard College). December 26. Cambridge, MA: harry-lewis.blogspot.com
Lewis, Harry. 2003. [http://people.seas.harvard.edu/~lewis/Grades.html October 30, 2003: Grades]. October 30. Cambridge, MA: people.seas.harvard.edu.
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MIT>. 2011. [http://mit150.mit.edu/ MIT + 150].
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Dopp. 2011. [http://community.wikia.com/wiki/User_blog:Dopp/Wikis_in_the_Classroom Wikis in the Classroom]. April 15. community.wikia.com.
Williamson, Ben. 2011. [http://dmlcentral.net/blog/ben-williamson/wikirriculum-curriculum-digital-age Wikirriculum: Curriculum in the Digital Age]. February 7. dmlcentral.net - Digital Media Learning Central.
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