WUaS Information Technologies and Data Plan: Difference between revisions

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- Wiki (editable web pages, like Wikipedia), to integrate great universities' open educational resources, especially MIT OCW, as well as facilitate people-to-people teaching and modularlearning.
- Use the newly developing WikiBase and WikiData for the 'backend' of the WUaS wiki.
- Find, or build, a wiki 'front end' especially with output to a 2x3 inch screen, as wiki, on 'obscure' internet phone browsers (e.g. like Palm OS and others), with UniCode, for the developing world and symbols in all 200 countries and 3000-8000 languages, - given the benefits of wiki in terms of openness and group knowledge production, especially in the developing world.
- Possibly use MediaWiki (e.g. Wikipedia), but it doesn't work well on handhelds. (Wikipedia is in around 284 languages, by way of comparison).
- For the 'You at WUaS' main page - http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/You_at_World_University - use Quickbooks for nonprofits to start as the 'backend',' and to manage communications, donor support, communications, and to pay interns, and eventually as 'secure registrar,' for grades and transcripts (developing this as needed), and then add other Intuit software (see http://quickbooks.intuit.com/product/accounting-software/nonprofit-accounting-software/) to develop the Bookstore and used/new Computer store (see http://quickbooksworlduniversity.intuitwikia.com/productwiki/accounting-softwareBookstore_/nonprofit-accounting-software/ _Computer_Store_%28New_%26_Used%29_at_WUaS). Quickbooks is probably in many countries and currencies already.
- Bookmarking technology to add resources for this new handheld wiki for obscure browsers?
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And WUaS would like to include these goals:
- plan for Android / iPhone / smart phone mobile internet devices with video, and tablets, and for group text chat for the conferenceConference methodMethod especially on handheld internet phones with browsers - http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Conference_Method_of_Teaching_and_Learning - offor teaching and learning, as the bare minimum hardware to begin to study for a MIT OCW-centric Bachelor's degree.
- will prioritize for DESIGN (like Apple) & robust information technological development in hiring, as we aim for possibly 2-5 billion Universitians on the SCHOOL idea-social network side of WUaS - http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/WUaS_Information_Technologies_and_Data_Plan -, and for around at least 2000 (and scalable) undergraduate students on the UNIVERSITY, free, degree-granting side, first matriculating in 2014, with MIT OCW for course curriculum (32 15 week MIT OCW courses over 4 years).
- WUaS Wiki Universal Translator, building on Google Translate, Sugar Labs Translate, and other language translation projects
- plan for 8000 languages, plus so-called 'dead' languages, invented languages, and make this wiki-extensible beyond, with UniCode +.
- plan for 10,000-100,000 musical instruments, in text and voice, in all languages, and wiki-extensible beyond this.
- plan with OBJECT TEMPLATE - like http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/SUBJECT_TEMPLATE - to be able to add individual archaeological and museum objects
- httpS:// for "secure registrar" for 3000-8000 languages - here's one example from wikimedia of secure wiki - https://secure.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/wiki/Nontheist_Friend - perhaps building on QuickBooks for NonProfits.
- Make WUaS an advertisement-free wiki
- .edu suffix (educational domain names network together and have advantages) in 2018, upon accreditation.
- e.g. www.worlduniversityandschool.edu = and = www.wuas.edu, eventually, upon accreditation at stage 3, after the first Bachelor's degree class graduates in 2018.
- Develop a robust Computer Science department (subject), - who will eventually develop thisWUaS.
- Make WUaS very easy-to-use
- Make WUaS very attractive, in order to grow community easily
- Use fast computer servers and bandwidth
- multiple email lists, in all languages
- plan to html code for assistive technologies, from the beginning, and as the internet develops (http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Assistive_Technologies) ...