Helianth - http://scottmacleod.com

Developing wiki World University & School, - http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/World_University - like Wikipedia with MIT OCW, in ALL Languages and Countries, for free, MIT edX/MITx/HarvardX-centric, bachelor (2104), Ph.D., law, and M.D. degrees, STEM focus, WUaS Music (Music School, online jamming, free, open Music Playing Spaces in Google Hangouts), see the WUaS Blog - http://worlduniversityandschool.blogspot.com/ - and the 'global university' label at my blog, too - http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/search/label/global%20university ... worlduniversityandschool@gmail.com ... with an invitation to wiki, teach, learn.