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Guha, Auditi. 2011. [http://www.wickedlocal.com/cambridge/news/x1054483849/Harvard-fellow-could-face-35-years-in-prison-for-hacking-into-MIT-network Harvard fellow could face 35 years in prison for hacking into MIT network]. July 19. Boston, MA: wickedlocal.com.
Harris, Shane. 2013. [http://www.washingtonian.com/blogs/dead_drop/surveillance-state/ragtime-codename-of-nsas-secret-domestic-intelligence-program-revealed-in-new-book.php Ragtime: Code name of NSA’s Secret Domestic Intelligence Program Revealed in New Book: “Deep State” uncovers new details about the agency’s secretive and hugely controversial surveillance programs]. February 27. washingtonian.com.
Hill, Kashmir. 2012. [http://www.forbes.com/sites/kashmirhill/2012/12/07/dear-journalists-at-vice-and-elsewhere-here-are-some-simple-ways-not-to-get-your-source-arrested/ Dear Journalists at Vice and Elsewhere, Here Are Some Simple Ways Not To Get Your Source Arrested]. December 7. Forbes.
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O’Brien, Danny. 2013. [http://cpj.org/internet/2013/01/yahoo-encrypted-mail-not-moment-too-soon--nor-too.php Yahoo HTTPS mail not a moment too soon, nor too late]. New York, NY: Committee to Protect Journalists.
Silver, Vernon. 2013. [http://www.businessweek.com/articles/2013-03-08/skypes-been-hijacked-in-china-and-microsoft-is-o-dot-k-dot-with-it Skype's Been Hijacked in China, and Microsoft Is O.K. With It]. March 08. businessweek.com.
Smith, Stacey Vanek. 2012. [http://www.marketplace.org/topics/tech/growing-art-data-dodging The growing art of data dodging]. November 29. Marketplace.
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