Quakers - Religious Society of Friends: Difference between revisions

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At a San Francisco Friends' Meeting study group last night, we were reading the inspired, Quaker Abolitionist John Woolman, and I was wondering how Quakers might create a Ken Burns-informed documentary of Woolman, or even a film. Let's find a Friendly budding film-maker to do something like this. I'd love part of such an interpretation to focus on Woolman's use of the word "tender," so present in his journals, and emerging from a Friendly milieu/culture/language, - and from 250 years ago. (November 29, 2012).
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Open Journal Systems. 2012. [http://pkp.sfu.ca/?q=ojs Open Journal Systems]. Public Knowledge Project.
(WUaS's wiki, information technologies and criteria for this - informed by the WUaS academic journal subject matter - are developing, since you can already publish your article at http://www.academia.edu).
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===Select Blogs, Twitters, etc.===
Fager, Chuck. 2010. [http://www.afriendlyletter.com/index.php/hard-core-quaker/a-new-addition-online-archive-of-print-issues-of-a-friendly-letter/ A New Addition: Online Archive of Print Issues of “A Friendly Letter”]. A Friendly Letter, The Blog: Independent Quaker Journalism, Commentary, and More.
Hughes, Ian. 2012. [http://epoq.wikia.com/wiki/All_Pages The Evolutionary Potential of Quakerism]. April 30. Australia: epoq.wikia.com.
Manousos, Anthony. 2010. [http://laquaker.blogspot.com/ LA Quaker]. laquaker.blogspot.com.
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===Select Book Reviews===
Fager, Chuck. 2013. [http://quaker.org/quest/QT-22-Brinton-Review.html Questions for Howard: Being a Kind of Review of the new biography of Howard & Anna Brinton]. quaker.org.
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Build It! A Toolkit for Nurturing Intergenerational Spiritual Community. 2012. [http://fgcquaker.org/toolkit Build It! A Toolkit for Nurturing Intergenerational Spiritual Community]. Philadelphia, PA: Friends General Conference.
===Select Calendars for Events in this Subject===
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===Select Databases===
===Select RSS FeedsFacts===
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Salt and Light. 2012. [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8VhKPTpcwdE Salt and Light]. (The documentary of the Sixth World Conference of Friends in Nakuru, Kenya). Nakuru, Kenya: FWCCWorld.
===Select Film Reviews===
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===Select Idea Competitions / Conversations / Dialogues===
===Select Images, Infographics, etc.===
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===Select Maps===
Bales, Micah and Jon Watts. 2010. [http://www.quakermaps.com/ Quakermaps.com: Mapping the Religious Society of Friends]. Quakermaps.com.
===Select Multimedia===
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(See also editable World University and School's Museums' page: http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Museums).
===Select Newspapers, News===
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===Select Quotes, Quotations, etc.===
===Select RSS Feeds===
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===Select Reviews===
===Select RSS Feeds===
===Select Search Engines===
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===Select Timelines===
===Select Twitters===
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Admissions' Department: http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Admissions_at_World_University_and_School
Flyer seeking degree-oriented, WUaS students: 'Quaker-informed World University & School seeks friendly, undergraduate students for free, online, MIT OCW-centric, bachelor’s degrees to apply in the autumn of 2013, for matriculation in autumn 2014' - http://scottmacleod.com/WUaSFriendsFlyerforProspectiveStudentApplicants.pdf - and accessible here, also - http://scottmacleod.com/WUaSNoticeArchive.html. WUaS holds open, electronically-mediated, hour-long, monthly business meeting on the second Saturdays at 9 am Pacific Time, in the manner of Quakers - email worlduniversityandschool@gmail.com if you'd like to participate.
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(probably in United Nations' languages only - Arabic, Chinese (Mandarin), English, French, Russian, Spanish)
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DiggFacebook.com's World University and School - http://diggwww.facebook.com/worlduniversityandschoolgroup.php?gid=48753608141 (This group may be archived).
Good Reads - http://www.goodreads.com/
Facebook.com's World University and School - http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=48753608141 (This group may be archived).
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LinkedIn's World University and School - http://www.linkedin.com/groups/World-University-School
Quora - http://www.quora.com/
Research Gate - http://www.researchgate.net/
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===The "Universitian" Newspaper at World University and School===
[[The "Universitian" Newspaper at World University and School]]
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Hardware Resource Possibilities: http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Hardware_Resource_Possibilities
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Frequently Asked Questions at World University & School:
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World University Foundation: http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/World_University_Foundation