Quakers - Religious Society of Friends: Difference between revisions

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Nontheist Friend. 2010. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nontheist_Friend. Wikipedia.
Nontheist Friend. 2010. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nontheist_Friend. Wikipedia.

Philadelphia Yearly Meeting. 2002. [http://www.pym.org/publish/fnp/index.php Philadelphia Yearly Meeting - Faith and Practice]. Philadelphia, PA: Philadelphia Yearly Meeting.
Philadelphia Yearly Meeting. 2002 (1955). [http://www.pym.org/publish/fnp/index.php Philadelphia Yearly Meeting - Faith and Practice]. Philadelphia, PA: Philadelphia Yearly Meeting.

Sheeran, Michael. 1996 (1983). Beyond Majority Rule: Voteless Decisions in the Religious Society of Friends. (2nd ed.). Philadelphia, PA: Philadelphia Yearly Meeting.
Sheeran, Michael. 1996 (1983). Beyond Majority Rule: Voteless Decisions in the Religious Society of Friends. (2nd ed.). Philadelphia, PA: Philadelphia Yearly Meeting.