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(Added Andrew Weil MD resources)
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I have a friend who feels scared in certain social settings and does specific things in these settings because of this fear. So, after a lengthy set of emails about this, and an invitation to meet in a social setting, I emailed him about the value of doing the "safety dance":
"Yay! See you there! Wouldn't feel safe without it :) - the safety dance.... and this too usually passes .... but the overactive brain safety program has a utility ... probably helpful to dance toward/with backs to wall ... until it's no longer helpful :)
So, I next emailed him to ask further "How are you doing with your wanting to have your "fear in social spaces" issues these days?"
And as I think about all of this, I'm curious too "Curious too how culture informs "such fear" questions ... would / do people have similar experiences in Singapore, Mauritius, Indonesia and India, as they might in Japan, as they might in America, and as they might Scotland, Spain or a western European country/culture ... ?, I asked him.
/ do people have similar experiences in Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia
and India, as they might in Japan, as they might in America, and as
they might Scotland, Italy or a western European country/culture ... ?, I asked him.
Then I emailed a trained person who has training in related issues, and who is also a confidant:
I'm concerned about a friend's mental health a bit - he's written about his "fear issues "" in certain public situations and his issues sound possibly paranoid or agoraphobic.
So I looked up "strategies for managing paranoia andy weil" partly because I'd like for WUaS to explore offering online psychiatric approaches to this eventually through World University and School's online teaching hospital - and in countries' main languages, and especially addressing intercultural questions online (since my friend is from Europe, has lived in Britain, has a Welsh father, and now has lived in the US for many years, and is married to a Korean manwomen, for example).
This is what I found online for this search in Google ...
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I appreciate the realistic approaches Dr. Weil offers including especially the integrative approaches explicitly mentioned - including seeing a psychiatrist for integrative approaches at the close of his schizophrenia article, and re - - at the close of his schizophrenia article, but think there is much potential to study this inter-culturally online in new ways, rigorously and rigorouslyscientifically.
Glad Andy Weil MD is not only an excellent communicator and MD but also a child of the '60s himself, and knowledgeable about communicating with alternative types ... and thus with countercultural ideation, I'll call this.
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World University Medical School: