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[[Image:AphiloWorldUniversitySchool5Sep07.jpg|200px|thumb|left|World University and School {in a virtual world}]]
[[Image:AphiloWorldUniversitySchool5Sep07.jpg|200px|thumb|left|World University and School {in a virtual world}]]
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Welcome to World University and School, a global, virtual, open, (potentially degree-granting - Ph.D., M.D., & Music School, etc.), free-to-students, university and school, with great universities (e.g. MIT, Ivy League Schools, Stanford, U.C. Berkeley, Oxford, T.U.M., Sorbonne, L.M.U., Juilliard Music School, Cambridge, Collège de France, Cal Tech, B.T.U., University of Chicago, etc.) as key web content generators, based on a Wikipedia with MIT Open Course Ware model, especially for the developing world, and for everyone.
Welcome to World University and School, a global, virtual, open, (potentially degree-granting - Ph.D., M.D., & Music School, etc.), free-to-students, university and school, with great universities (e.g. MIT, Ivy League Schools, Stanford, U.C. Berkeley, Oxford, T.U.M., Sorbonne, L.M.U., Juilliard Music School, Cambridge, Collège de France, Cal Tech, B.T.U., University of Chicago, etc.) as key web content generators, based on a Wikipedia with MIT Open Course Ware model, especially for the developing world, and for everyone.

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[[Business Plan]]
[[Business Plan]]

Year 2010

"All Ways Free" to students. Budget for this in perpetuity (perhaps like Tokyo University and Scandinavian universities).
"All Ways Free" to students. Budget for this in perpetuity (perhaps like Tokyo University and Scandinavian universities).

Year 2010

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Translation between all languages. Using Google Wave translation? Be able to add Languages wiki-like?
Translation between all languages. Using Google Wave translation? Be able to add Languages wiki-like?


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Become the low cost worldwide provider of internet access, focusing on the OLPC countries.
Become the low cost worldwide provider of internet access, focusing on the OLPC countries.

To bring together teacher and learning with access to financial resources:

World University & School, Quaker, Grameen, American Friends' Service Committee, One Laptop Per Child, Rainbow online bank, with .01 or less minimum balance, lowest cost, (like Vanguard Mutual Funds) and for One Laptop per Child countries first, and on a mobile device.

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1 intern head of accounting
1 intern head of accounting
1 intern head of communication with board members (for 5 person clerk board and for 100+ person board – a board member in every major city in the world?)
1 intern head of communication with board members (for 5 person clerk board and for 100+ person board – a board member in every major city in the world?)
1 intern head of endowment management and planning (socially-conscious mutual fund indexing approach).
1 intern head of endowment management and planning (socially-conscious mutual fund indexing approach).
1 intern head of World University & School, Quaker, Grameen, American Friends' Service Committee, One Laptop Per Child, Rainbow online bank.

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Apply to the Internal Revenue Service for 501(c)3 status
Apply to the Internal Revenue Service for 501(c)3 status

Engage General Manager and Head Fundraiser interns
Engage General Manager and Head Fundraiser interns

Hire 2-10 interns this year
Hire 2-10 interns this year
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Build community of Universitians - like Wikipedians - long into the future, through active outreach, who contribute richly idea-wise to WUaS (e.g. students, worldwide, at great universities - e.g. Cal, Stanford, MIT, Ivy Leagues, Cambridge, Sorbonne, etc. as one group of such Universitians?; Quakers as another group?; Bohemians as another?; Peace community as another?)
Build community of Universitians - like Wikipedians - long into the future, through active outreach, who contribute richly idea-wise to WUaS (e.g. students, worldwide, at great universities - e.g. Cal, Stanford, MIT, Ivy Leagues, Cambridge, Sorbonne, etc. as one group of such Universitians?; Quakers as another group?; Bohemians as another?; Peace community as another?)

Get One Laptop per Child languages working with at least 4 subjects & 1 intern for all 9 languages, at first; plan to hire a Ph.D. per language to generate a university and school in each language.
Get One Laptop per Child languages working with at least 4 subjects & 1 intern for all 9 languages, at first; plan to hire a Ph.D. per language to generate a university and school in each language.

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Add remaining 175-ish Wikipedia languages, not added earlier
Add remaining 175-ish Wikipedia languages, not added earlier

Add 10-20 more nation-states
Add 10-20 more nation-states

Plan for mobile video capable device acquisitions, like OLPC handhelds with video, for OLPC countries, to complement OLPC areas, and to reach out to other populations.
Plan for mobile video capable device acquisitions, like OLPC handhelds with video, for OLPC countries, to complement OLPC areas, and to reach out to other populations.
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online Dental School opens with students (with Michigan?)
online Dental School opens with students (with Michigan?)

Quarter 1
Quarter 1