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|The University of Virginia Library, one of the oldest research libraries in the U.S., has partnered with Google to make selected books from the Library’s collections searchable online. For books in the public domain, full-text copies will be available at no charge through Google Book Search. Here are answers to frequently asked questions about this partnership.
|VIA - Visual Information Access
|About VIA:
|World Digital Library
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Price, Richard (Interview). 2012. [ and the Evolution of Peer Review with Richard Price]. July 25. San Francisco, CA:
Schnapp, Jeffrey, Matthew Battles and Pablo Barría Urenda. 2013. [ Curated by the Crowd: collections, data, and platforms for participation in museums and other institutions: hosted by metaLAB's Jeffrey Schnapp, Matthew Battles and Pablo Barría Urenda]. September 24. Cambridge, MA:
Sydell, Laura. 2013. [ Combining The Nation's Digitized Libraries, All In One Place]. August 19. NPR.
Sydell, Laura. 2013. [ Combining The Nation's Digitized Libraries, All In One Place]. August 19. NPR.
Wood, John. 2010. [ "Room to Read: Globalizing Carnegie's Vision for Libraries" with John Wood]. November 4. Cambridge, MA: Harvard School of Education.
Line 3,789 ⟶ 3,798: 2012. [ - Share Research]. San Francisco, CA:
Ancient Lives. 2013. [ Ancient Lives]. (Ancient Lives is a collaboration between a diverse collection of Oxford Papyrologists and Researchers, The Imaging Papyri Project, The Oxyrhynchus Papyri Project, the Egypt Exploration Society and the following institutions). Oxford, England:
The Awesome Box. 2013. [ The Awesome Box]. Cambridge, MA: Office for Scholarly Communication at Harvard University.
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Blue Button - Download my Data. 2012. [ Blue Button - Download my Data]. Washington, DC: Department of Veteran's Affairs.
Curarium. 2013. [ Curarium]. (The Curarium is a collection of collections. It is a platform which leverages the power of the crowd in order to annotate, curate, and augment works within and beyond their respective collections, with the aim of constructing sharable, media-rich stories and elaborate arguments about individual items as well as groups of items in our corpora). Cambridge, MA:
digitalculturebooks. 2011. [ digitalculturebooks]. (digitalculturebooks is an imprint of the University of Michigan Press and the Scholarly Publishing Office of the University of Michigan Library dedicated to publishing innovative work in new media studies and the emerging field of digital humanities. digitalculturebooks seeks to explore all aspects of new media and its impact on society, culture, and scholarly communication and will present work that exhibits and advances the understanding of the relationship between humanities and digital technologies. The imprint aspires to both investigate and demonstrate new forms of scholarly practice in the humanities. digitalculturebooks is an experimental publishing strategy with a strong research component. By making our content available in print and online, we intend to: develop an open and participatory publishing model that adheres to the highest scholarly standards of review and documentation; develop a model for press/library collaboration at Michigan and elsewhere; showcase and extend Michigan's leading role in the development of digital resources; encourage and participate in a national dialogue about the future of scholarly communication). Ann Arbor, MI: Digital Culture Books.
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IQSS Dataverse Network. 2012. [ IQSS Dataverse Network]. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University.
metaLAB (at) Harvard. 2013. [ metaLAB (at) Harvard]. Cambridge, MA:
The OAIster® database. 2012. [ The OAIster® database]. (Millions of digital resources from thousands of contributors). Dublin, Ohio:
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World University and School - like Wikipedia with Greatest Universities' OpenCourseWare (not endorsed by MIT OCW) - incorporated as a nonprofit effective April 2010 and has been a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt, educational organization charity through November 12, 2012, and is re-applyinginstating forits 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status, as of AugustSeptember 2013, effective 2010.
World University & School is a community of learners and teachers who value — and are themselves strengthened by — the rich diversity of its participants. In order to cultivate a flourishing teaching, learning and creating conversation in a diverse and complex world, WUaS welcomes all languages, students, families, faculty, board members, and staff with differences based on (but not limited to) race, color, ethnicity, religion, age, gender, sexual orientation, family structure, and economic background.