Educational Software

Revision as of 03:02, 8 October 2009 by m>Helianth

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  • Free, educational software.
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Educational software

Astronomy Educational Software

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Worldwide Telescope Microsoft Research enables your computer to function as a virtual telescope, bringing together imagery from the best ground and space-based telescopes in the world. Experience narrated guided tours from astronomers and educators featuring interesting places in the sky. English

Biology Educational Software

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Immune Attack Made by Federation of American Scientists an educational video game that introduces basic concepts of human immunology to high school and entry-level college students High School

Geography Educational Software

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Seterra Seterra is a challenging geography program with exercises about countries, capitals, flags and cities all over the world. Made by Marion Wartoft English

Kids' Educational Software

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Kids' Software English

Math Educational Software

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Physics Educational Software

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Phun - 2D Physics Simulations Sandbox from research at Umeå university, and a MSc project of Emil Ernerfeldt, now further developed at Algoryx Simulation interactive multiphysics simulation, ranging from novel physical models and variational integrators to high performance numerical methods

Programming Educational Software

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Alice 3 Carnegie Mellon University an innovative 3D programming environment that makes it easy to create an animation for telling a story, playing an interactive game, or a video to share on the web. Alice is a teaching tool for introductory computing. It uses 3D graphics and a drag-and-drop interface to facilitate a more engaging, less frustrating first programming experience. programming
Robomind Arvid Halma, Aksel Ethembabaoglu - University of Amsterdam very simple educational programming language that will familiarize you with the basics of computer science by programming your own robot programming
MIT's Scratch: A Programming Language for Everyone Lifelong Kindergarten Group at the MIT Media Lab 'Drag and Drop' Teaching Language for Programming

Vocabulary Learning Software

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Free Rice non-credit, so far Browser Give free rice to hungry people by playing a simple game that increases your knowledge. Used with great success in correction facility in Jamaica. English

Educational Software Tools

3-D Content Creation

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Blender model • shade • animate • render • composite • interactive 3d free open source 3D content creation suite, available for all major operating systems under the GNU General Public License

Android Phone Freeware

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Android Google

Animation and Machinima-Making Software

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Moviestorm Complete Movie-Making Package for Animations


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AVG Free Anti-Virus Software AVG Free Anti-Virus Software

Assessment tools and resources

Resource Web Site Organization (if any) Description
QCommons: Chemistry QCommons This site is a open collaborative question bank, in which anyone can use, rate, discuss, and improve assessment and practice materials. Chemistry is the subject area offered, but there will be more domains in the QCommons.
Second Life Roundtable - on Assessment Virtual Worlds Education

Audio Editor and Recorder

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Audacity Soundforge Audio Editor and Recorder Free - To encode mp3 files from audicity, install Lame

Backup Storage Online

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Drop Box Sync your files online and across computers Free for Windows, Mac and Linux
iDrive Features include Automatic Backup, True Archiving, Versioning, Continuous Backup, Mapped Drive Backup and Web-based Backup Management Get 2 GB of full featured Online Backup for free
Mozy Simple, Automatic, Secure Online Backup Get 2 GB absolutely free! No setup fee, no credit cards, no expiration, no hassle.

Blogging tools

Add Subject - free, open Educational Software Tools Web Site Organization (if any) Degree / Non-degree Location Other Info Language Tags made by Google free blogging tool, integrates with other, free Google technologies All ages
WordPress made by Wordpress free blogging tools All ages

Community, Class and Group-formation Software

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Google Groups Google Form groups, classes, communities share files, Google Docs, Google Wiki Calendar All ages


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CodeWarrior Compiler and MSL Update 2.2.1 for Mac Metroworks This file updates CodeWarrior Pro 4.0 to compiler version 2.2.1 and MSL C++ version 4.1.05. This is a bug fix release for the 2.2 compiler originally shipped with Pro 4.0. See the release notes for details. This update includes only Mac OS (68K, PowerPC) compilers. You should install the IDE 3.3 patch before installing this update. You will need to rebuild your libraries and precompiled headers after installing this patch; see the "Library Build Instructions" file in the patch for details.


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MuseScore Werner Schweer Free music composition and notation software; WYSIWYG, notes are entered on a "virtual note sheet"; Unlimited number of staves; Up to four voices per staff; Easy and fast note entry with mouse, keyboard or MIDI; Integrated sequencer and FluidSynth software synthesizer; Import and export of MusicXML and Standard MIDI Files (SMF); Platform independent code, binaries available for Windows, Mac and Linux Available in 20 languages

Course Management Systems

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Moodle Moodle Browser Moodle is a Course Management System (CMS), also known as a Learning Management System (LMS) or a Virtual Learning Environment (VLE). It is a Free web application that educators can use to create effective online learning sites. is our community site where Moodle is made and discussed.
Sloodle Sloodle Browser SLOODLE is an Open Source project which integrates the multi-user virtual environment of Second Life® with the Moodle® learning-management system. SLOODLE provides a range of tools for supporting learning and teaching to the immersive virtual world; tools which are integrated with a tried and tested leading web-based learning management system. SecondLife,


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Debate Visualization Tool Skype's goal is to make the best arguments on all sides of any public debate freely available to all and continuously open to challenge and improvement by all. Level Multiple

Drawing Programs

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Google Sketchup Google Google Sketchup ... English


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ZoneAlarm Free Firewall ZoneAlarm Blocks hackers from infiltrating your home PC by hiding your computer from unsolicited network traffic. By detecting and preventing intrusions, ZoneAlarm Free Firewall keeps your PC free from viruses that slow down performance, and spyware that steals your personal information, passwords, and financial data.

iPhone Educational Applications

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The Chemical Touch - Lite Edition Christopher Fennell periodic table for your iPhone or iPod touch English chemistry
CPR - Choking Learn CPR instant information on how to perform CPR and how to aid a choking victim English medicine
eduMonkey eduMedia eduMonkey teaches the complete multiplication and addition tables English mathematics
Free Books 23,469 books, the pillars of human literature, from Shakespeare to Cicero to Mark Twain, provided without cost- on your iPhone OR on your computer English Books
French Tutor Learn or refresh your French; NATIVE SPEAKER audio for all words; Priority based optimization system; Entertaining PUZZLE GAME; WRITE-IN quiz to test language recall; Manual & automatic FLASH CARD method; Self contained, network access not required; MULTIPLE CHOICE quiz English French, Language Learning
Graphing Calculator Gabor Nagy Allows you to graph various mathematical equations English French, Language Learning
iChemistry Kyle Moore iChemistry balances equations and makes it easy to perform complex stoichiometric calculations in many units English chemistry
MedCalc Mathias Tschopp a free medical calculator, that gives you easy access to complicated medical formulas and scores. English, French, German and Spanish medicine
Quad Solver Michael Ball Allows you to easily solve quadratic equations; give you the discriminate of the equation; supports imaginary (complex) numbers English, French, German and Spanish medicine
Spanish Essentials Renkara Media Group, Inc Vocabulary recorded in high-quality, static-free audio, spaced repetition, audio quiz, search, organize your words, Study mode, Flashcard mode, and Quiz mode English, Spanish medicine
textPlus GOGII Free, unlimited texting for iPod touch and iPhone, Send texts over wifi -- no cell, edge or 3G required

Write texts in landscape mode -- finally, Send texts for free -- no cost, no limit, Group text conversations, Text with several friends, all at once. Everyone in the group gets every message. It’s like an instant chatroom in text, Push Notifications -- Never miss a message

English medicine
WebMD Mobile WebMD trusted medical information on demand - look up symptoms, find drug or treatment information or need basic first aid English medicine
Wikiamo Satoshi Nakagawa Wikiamo shows wikipedia articles on your iPhone with custom formatting English, Japanese Wikipedia

Media Players

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Apple iTunes Apple Audio, video, and media player Level Multiple access iTunes Universities here
Apple Quicktime Apple Audio, video, and media player Level Multiple
Real Player Real Networks Audio, video, flash and media player Level Multiple
Windows Media Player Microsoft Media player Level Multiple

Mind Mapping Software

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FreeMind - free mind mapping software A mind mapper, and at the same time an easy-to-operate hierarchical editor with strong emphasis on folding
Mind Node Mind Node Collect, classify and structure ideas; organize, study and solve problems. Mind maps can be used for many different tasks – including to-do lists, brainstorming, holiday planning, research, writing, project management – and in many different environments – school, meetings, workspace.

Office Suites

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Google Docs Google Gmail, Google docs, iGoogle, Google Docs, Google Scholar, Google Books, Google Earth ... Multiple
Open Office Open Office Free and Open Productivity Suite with word processor, spreadsheet, slideshow, etc. All ages

Operating Systems

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Chrome Google a browser that combines a minimal design with sophisticated technology to make the web faster, safer, and easier. Also an operating system.
Sugar Learning Environment Sugar Labs the Open Source Software that runs on the XO - One Laptop per Child

PDF Ebook

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SmashWords Smash Words Read your books online, print them out, or use e-reading devices like the Kindle or iPhone Epublishing

Personal Communication and Collaboration Platforms

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Google Wave Google New tool for communication and collaboration on the web; a web based service, computing platform, and communications protocol designed to merge e-mail, instant messaging, wiki, and social networking. It has a strong collaborative and real-time focus supported by extensions that can provide, for example, robust spelling/grammar checking, automated translation between 40 languages, and numerous other extensions.- Real-time: In most instances, you can see what someone else is typing, character-by-character; Embeddability; Applications and Extensions; Wiki functionality; Open source; Playback; Natural language; Drag-and-drop file sharing English

Photo Editing Software

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Gimp freely distributed piece of software for such tasks as photo retouching, image composition and image authoring. It works on many operating systems, in many languages. (more...)
Toy viewer Toy viewer
Vicmans VicMan Software Free, for Windows only

Physical Activity

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Skimble Thrilllist Skimble's a free service that lets you plan and track fun alternative workouts by helping you find outdoor activities in your area, coordinate group excursions, break down your workout performance, and motivate you to keep it up by comparing your day-to-day activity level with other peoples', who you'll soon come to realize don't have jobs, and are on steroids and meth English

Programming Languages

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Python Python Software Foundation remarkably powerful dynamic programming language that is used in a wide variety of application domains. Python is often compared to Tcl, Perl, Ruby, Scheme or Java. Some of its key distinguishing features include: very clear, readable syntax, strong introspection capabilities, intuitive object orientation, natural expression of procedural code, full modularity, supporting hierarchical packages, exception-based error handling, very high level dynamic data types, extensive standard libraries and third party modules for virtually every task, extensions and modules easily written in C, C++ (or Java for Jython, or .NET languages for IronPython), embeddable within applications as a scripting interface English

Scaling Software

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How to Learn More Scalability Steve Yen English
Scaling Software - Wikipedia Internals, Configuration, Code Examples, Management Issues English

Screen Capture-and-Share Software

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Jing Project Jing Make Machinimas, and Snap a picture of your screen, record video of onscreen action, share instantly over the web, IM, email

Second Life Tools

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Sloodle Sloodle Browser SLOODLE is an Open Source project which integrates the multi-user virtual environment of Second Life® with the Moodle® learning-management system. SLOODLE provides a range of tools for supporting learning and teaching to the immersive virtual world; tools which are integrated with a tried and tested leading web-based learning management system. See Moodle. SecondLife,
vCOMM Presenter vCOMM Powerpoint Presentations in Second Life; Upload Powerpoint and PDF presentations directly into the vComm Presenter.

Social Bookmarking

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Delicious Delicious Delicious is a social bookmarking service that allows users to tag, save, manage and share web pages from a centralized source. With emphasis on the power of the community, Delicious greatly improves how people discover, remember and share on the Internet.
Diigo Diigo Highlight and Share the Web; social bookmarking and web annotation capabilities
Digg Digg Digg is a place for people to discover and share content from anywhere on the web. From the biggest online destinations to the most obscure blog, Digg surfaces the best stuff as voted on by our users. You won’t find editors at Digg — we’re here to provide a place where people can collectively determine the value of content and we’re changing the way people consume information online.

Social Media Classroom & Forums

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Net Squared Net Squared Share your ideas! Tools to share ideas on the web. All ages Remixing the web for social change
Social Media Classroom Howard Rheingold Classroom and Collaboratory Software All ages

Statistical Software

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Datamasher Forum One Communications State data. Mash it.
Gapminder Gapminder Foundation Unveiling the beauty of statistics for a fact based world view.
Scilab Scilab The open source platform for numerical computation

Survey Software

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Survey Monkey Survey Monkey a simple way to create surveys All ages
Lime Survey Software Lime Survey easy and free open source survey application All ages

Textbook Collaborative Production

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Connexions Connexions a place to view and share educational material made of small knowledge chunks called modules that can be organized as courses, books, reports, etc. Anyone may view or contribute: authors create and collaborate; instructors rapidly build and share custom collections; learners find and explore content

Translation Software

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Google Translator Google limited languages

TV - Live Broadcasting

Add Subject - free, open Educational Software Tools Web Site Organization (if any) Degree / Non-degree Location Other Info Language Tags Justin TV - Broadcast your teaching. Live broadcasting in one click. is an online community for people to broadcast, watch and interact around live video. Full video material stored for 7 days only. Clips stored for longer. Multiple languages

Twitter for Learning

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Edu-Tweets Edu-Tweets Finding and posting the most interesting education links on the web. Many Levels English
Educational Freeware Most popular educational freeware, mostly for kids, but also for adults. Many Levels English
Learning Today Online Educational Software for individualized Reading and Math Instruction Many Levels English
Learning in Second Life where educational institutions are using Second Life as a cost-effective platform to augment an existing curriculum or explore new mode Many Levels English virtual worlds

Second Life Education Programs' manager, Linden Lab shares great examples and ideas about education in Second Life Many Levels English virtual worlds

Video Conferencing

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Google Video Conferencing Free calls, video calls and instant messaging over the internet. Multiple
iChat Apple Free calls, video calls and instant messaging over the internet. Multiple
Skype Skype Free calls, video calls and instant messaging over the internet. Conference calls and group instant messaging Multiple

Video-Streaming Hosting Services

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Blip TV Blip Free video hosting, 10 minute length limit All Levels English
BioScreenCast BioScreenCast Capturing the life sciences frame by frame Level Languages
Bright Talk BrightTalk Record up to 30 minutes of video for free Level Languages
Daily Motion Daily Motion Other Info All Level Languages
Flickr Video Made by Flickr Other Info All Level Languages Made by Other Info Level Languages
Livestream (formerly "Mogulus") Made by Internet television - manage, produce, and distribute your channel. Level Languages
SciVee - Making Science Visible Made by Share your science and technology through publications, posters, papers, or slides combined with video and science communities. Level Languages
Ustream Ustream Other Info Level Languages
Viddler Viddler The best way to watch and publish your videos Level Languages
Vimeo Made by Other Info Level Languages
Youtube Google Broadcast yourself for free, 10 minute length, 100 MB limit All Levels English
Name Web Site Made by Other Info Level Languages

Video-Streaming Software for Your Mobile Phone

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Qik Mobile Live Video Sharing Software Qik Share live video from your phone

Virtual Worlds as Fora, Classrooms, Building Sites, Design Sites, Art Studios, etc.

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Second Life Linden Lab free to use, teen and adult grid, pay to build, currency for buying and selling
Open Simulator Open Sim free, open source virtual world software

Web Meeting Software

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DimDim Web Meeting Software DimDim Dimdim lets anyone deliver synchronized live presentations, whiteboards and web pages and share their voice and video over the Internet - with no download required. Dimdim Open Source Community Edition v4.5 “Liberty” is meant for developers, highly technical enthusiasts and for use in non-critical environments

Wiki Software

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MediaWiki All ages Server side Wiki Softwre; MediaWiki is a free software wiki package written in PHP, originally for use on Wikipedia. It is now used by several other projects of the non-profit Wikimedia Foundation and by many other wikis, including this website, the home of MediaWiki.
Wiki Answers Enter a question or phrase... All ages
Wikia's Wikis Wikia Free wiki software All ages
Wikispaces Wikispaces Free wiki version available. Easy to use All ages