Computing History: Difference between revisions

1,039 bytes added ,  9 years ago
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Open Journal Systems. 2012. [ Open Journal Systems]. Public Knowledge Project.
(WUaS's wiki, information technologies and criteria for this - informed by the WUaS academic journal subject matter - are developing, since you can already publish your article at or Research Gate - - or Spire - - for example); See Library Resources below at WUaS for further resources.
===Q item in Wikidata===
===Select HumorAnalytics===
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===Select Blogs, Blog Aggregators===
@CHM BLOG. 2012. [ @CHM BLOG]. Mountain View, CA: Computer History Museum.
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Computing History Youtube Channel. 2013. [ Computing History Youtube Channel]. Mountain View, CA: .
===Select Chapters, Book Chapters, etc.===
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===Select ConferencesConcerts Online===
===Select Conference Materials===
===Select Conferences, Conferences Online===
===Select Conversations / Dialogues / Idea Competitions===
===Select Databases===
===Select Databases of Professionals and Specialists===
===Select Dictionaries===
===Select Encyclopedias===
===Select Facts===
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The Net
===Select Film Reviews===
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===Select Google + Hangouts, UnHangouts, Group Video, Updates, etc.===
===Select Humor===
Zunger, Yonatan. 2015. [ Google Updates]. Mountain View, CA: .
===Select Idea Competitions / Conversations / Dialogues===
===Select Humor===
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===Select Institutions, Institutes, Centers, Networks of Centers, etc.===
===Select Interviews, Question and Answers, Q&As===
Steve Jobs Interview Computer World. 1995. [ Steve Jobs Interview Computer World]. ( and Portland, OR:
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Wadhwa, Vivek. 2013. [ Silicon Valley Can’t Be Copied: For 50 years, the experts have tried to figure out what makes Silicon Valley tick. The answer is people]. July 3. Cambridge, MA: MIT Technology Review.
Zunger, Yonatan. 2015. [ Welcome to the Google+ project, everyone!]. Mountain View, CA: .
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Silicon Valley Historical Association. 2012. (We believe in recording the hopes, dreams, successes and failures of the people who have changed our lives through technology — while they're still alive). Menlo Park, CA: Santa Clara Valley Historical Association.
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Anonymous user