Bonobo chimpanzee: Difference between revisions

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===Select Interviews===
de Waal, Frans. 2007. [ The Bonobo in All of Us]. January 1. Nova.
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Bonobo Sexual Behavior. 2001. [ BONOBO SEXUAL BEHAVIOR].
Hare, Brian. [ Can the Bonobo Get the Apple? Primatologist Brian Hare sees whether a bonobo can solve a puzzle to get a slice of apple].
Harris, Dan. 2008. [ Bonobo chimps on Nightline having sex aka conflict resolution!]. ABC Nightline - Into the Wild
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Savage-Rumbaugh, Sue. 2004. [ Apes that write, start fires and play Pac-Man]. Monterey, CA: TED Talks.
Savage-Rumbaugh, Sue. 2008. [ "Talking" With Kanzi the Bonobo]. (Audio). Nova.
Tehinfidel. 2010. [ Bonobos: Language Recognition, Play].
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===Select Websites===
The Last Great Ape. 2007. [ The Last Great Ape]. Nova.
Lola ya Bonobo - Friends of Bonobos. 2011. [ Research - Friends of Bonobos]. Friends of Bonobos - Lola ya Bonobo.
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